SS - Hohenheim


Filled with thoughts about how chemicals affect the human body, his thirst for knowledge extends further to that of the Vrykos. Would the Vrykos react differently if given the same experiments from human history?

In this lifetime, he does not care whether the process is ethical if it can fulfill his goal or is of interest to him. It is because of his need to fulfill his past life's wishes to continue his pursuit of learning whatever interests him.

His intent is to learn more about the world around us and to search for any divine signs and religious intents. He would much rather work in his laboratory than socialize during his free time, but once in a while Zorro is successful in getting him to come out for sun for roughly 5 minutes.

Basic Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Skill Attack

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Hyper Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Last updated