SS - Tesla


Behind her charming face and cutting-edge fashion sense is a selfless genius who only wants to devote her life to advancing weaponry in the hopes of helping the world get rid of Vrykos.

At first, everyone didn't take her ambitions seriously for they only saw her as nothing more than a gorgeous face who was blindly idealistic. Tesla, however, paid little attention to her detractors and went on to develop what was soon to become the perfect ranged horde killer, EM Storm.

After long hours of research and seemingly unending failures, Tesla finally succeeded. She still has to be cognizant of her weapon's potential for destruction, though. So, she got on her moTRONcycle and rode off a mile away from a crowd of insatiable Vrykos. Once she got into position, she directed her weapon against the undead. No sound was heard only a bright flash of blue light was seen when she fired the single shot.

As the smoke died away, Tesla’s eyes widen in amazement. The entire crowd of Vrykos- maybe a hundred of them or more perished in an instant. Shortly, Prometheus' Fire learned about Tesla’s ingenuity and avant-garde artillery. Without delay, the organization recruited Tesla, firmly convinced that her ideals and inventions would be a valuable addition to their expanding arsenal.

Basic Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Skill Attack

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Hyper Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

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