S - Pythagoras


Through an experiment, Pythagorasโ€™s soul was implanted into this ladyโ€™s body at one of Thothโ€™s Book facilities.

Pythagoras first woke up in confusion and took some time to get used to this body and universe, but she finds that she can easily create incredible strategic plans in battling against Vrykos. The bonus within these plans is that not only there are many incorporated math theorems, it is also very artistic in her opinion.

It does not stop there though. She can execute her plans thanks to her nimbleness and her vision being 20/15. (Shh, the glasses are only for show.) She particularly can't help but want to ruffle everyone's hair after a job well done.

Basic Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Skill Attack

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Hyper Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Last updated