SS - Elizabeth Báthory


The Thoth's Book faction is perfect for Elizabeth who can’t deny a certain sadistic tendency. This is the only place where she is not judged and can play out all her fantasies. In fact, she considers herself lucky to be reincarnated into a time where she can go all out with armies of zombies at her disposal. She keeps it to herself that she actually has built a small zoo of zombies she is particularly attracted to, the “cute ones” as she says. Usually, she practices dark magic or attacks on them to master and fine-tune her abilities. Elizabeth sees herself as the dark angle of justice and therefore has grown demonic wings that give her an edge in battle. In past reincarnations, she committed murders and was commonly feared among humans. What not many do know is that she actually only got rid of those who actually deserved their punishment. This is a testament to her own sense of justice in face of the incompetence of those in power. She knows that when something needs to be finished correctly, she has to do it herself. And she’s usually right.

Community Writer: lennyhoneybee

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Skill Attack

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Hyper Skill

The hero will get a skill at random from the skill pool.

Skill is subject to change as we are balancing out the game, please use info above as a general guide.

Last updated